Monday, March 16, 2009


Mommy's Favorite Things Blog is going to merge with SquigglyTwigs Designs...
I can't do
So if you would be so kind to just follow me there. I'll be writing about things other than sewing, although right now designing and sewing is just huge in my will settle, I tell my self.
See you there....

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

SquigglyTwigs is in Business, Yeah!

I put my first pattern online Monday night, Cute and Quick Pants. Already on Tuesday we had our first sales. I'm so excited and hope this pattern blesses other family's as it has ours. I'm trying to reach out to moms who've not done much sewing in their lives, if any at all. So, I'm planning to help them through the process by email. Also, the pattern was created with ease of use in mind, as each of the upcoming patterns will be.
The hardest part, besides the internet related things, is writing instructions as though I've never done it before. It's been so easy to leave out things, because I don't think about having done it, the second nature thing.... It's so much easier to show or tell than write.
I'm working now on a freebie for a button pony tail holder. I should have the instructions up at SquigglyTwigs within a couple of days.