Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wow! Winter Wonderland! and a bellyache :(

We haven't had much time to post or take photos or sew. Since Sunday we've had a major winter storm and the stomache flu. Both storms are over and we're back to creating and documenting it all. This photo is from our front porch. We got 5 inches of snow, then an inch of ice then a couple more inches of snow. The children are not too pleased. All this snow and it's not worth a thing for building. Also, they finally got well enough to sled a bit last evening. It's great for sledding..."weely, weely, fast, and in the stweet too". Our driveway is a hill and the street is a hill also. We have a long hill in the yard, we'll have to try it out this evening. Usually it's too gradual to go, but with the ice on top, I bet they'll fly.

Also, a friend of mine is having a blog giveaway. Her daughter makes the most wonderful clothing for sale. One of the items in her giveaway is a set of mother/daugther aprons. You'll have to be quick. The give away ends on Friday. You find her blog link in my list as Penny Raine. The aprons are giveaway #7.

Monday, January 19, 2009

Done sewing for today.

Who can resist a 3 year olds pleading..."mommy pwease sew my truck pants, pwease". I figure how many times will I hear my little boy begging for mama to sew him something.
So after sweeping the kitchen floor and cleaning up after breakfast, we started cutting, sewing, and they are done. I intended to post a photo, but he's at nap in them now. The last time he got very special new clothes, a #4 Jets jersey, he wore it for days. I wonder how long it will take me to get these to the laundry!

More Sewing!!

My daughter and I have been sewing this week. She's a tall and thin girl, therefore we are now making most of her clothes. I'm so glad my mom taught me to sew. If I couldn't sew, my poor little girl would be always holding on to her bottoms. :) It's also a fun way to spend time together. She just turned five so she's been promoted to my lap at the sewing machine so she can help feed the fabric. At age 4 she was only allowed to hand me pieces. Her favorite clothing items are the pieces that match with her doll.
She loves the American Girl dolls. They and their clothes are way out of our budget, but we've found similar dolls at Michael's Arts and Crafts for less than $15. They are not dressed, so we make the clothes. Last Spring she requested a Samantha doll in the "Samantha" dress. I found a similar fabric at our quilting store in town and gave copying it a try. Then she wanted one to match. That was a harder task than the doll dress, but we got it done, at least close enough. I'm not sure I'll repeat this pattern. It took more than a nap time for sure. I prefer to sew quicker things. But she's very happy. That makes it worth it. :)
It's time to get back to the days work. My son (age 3) is requesting I make him pj pants today. I have much other stuff to do first.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Jumping into the world of blogging

Well I've finally entered the world of blogging. I read the blogs of others regularly but never jumped in. There are a lot of things swirling in my head and on my heart that I've discovered others may want to know or be able to learn from, so here goes.
As I get going, I hope to share with others a few of my passions, homemaking, sewing, cooking, teaching, adoption, and serving my husband and children. All of these things, I believe, are gifts and responsibilities given to me by my Lord.
Thanks for reading.