Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wow! Winter Wonderland! and a bellyache :(

We haven't had much time to post or take photos or sew. Since Sunday we've had a major winter storm and the stomache flu. Both storms are over and we're back to creating and documenting it all. This photo is from our front porch. We got 5 inches of snow, then an inch of ice then a couple more inches of snow. The children are not too pleased. All this snow and it's not worth a thing for building. Also, they finally got well enough to sled a bit last evening. It's great for sledding..."weely, weely, fast, and in the stweet too". Our driveway is a hill and the street is a hill also. We have a long hill in the yard, we'll have to try it out this evening. Usually it's too gradual to go, but with the ice on top, I bet they'll fly.

Also, a friend of mine is having a blog giveaway. Her daughter makes the most wonderful clothing for sale. One of the items in her giveaway is a set of mother/daugther aprons. You'll have to be quick. The give away ends on Friday. You find her blog link in my list as Penny Raine. The aprons are giveaway #7.

1 comment:

  1. I love the photo of the snow. I wish I knew how to sew better. I know the basics and my husband bought me a sewing machine last summer for my bday. I got most of my daughter's dress done but I couldn't get the collar area right. Then I had back surgery and haven't been back at it. I've saved your blog and will check back soon.
